

HVAC Installation – What is important?

In general, the Air conditioner manufacturers high quality products, most of them with quality assurance process to ensure it. It is at the time of installing or upgrading the HVAC system that the issues will arise.

Home discomfort by Humidity level too high

The most common issue with a new HVAC system not delivering efficient comfort began before it was ever installed. Studies have consistently shown that HVAC systems are oversized, rather than undersized. Oversized equipment will not provide proper humidity control, resulting in higher energy bills, owner comfort complaints and a shorter life span. While undersized equipment will not provide sufficient heat removal, resulting in warm rooms and owner comfort complaints. To avoid this problem a properly conducted load calculation must be completed, following the Air Conditioning Contractors of America’s Manual (ACCA) Manual J methodology. A cautionary note should be applied here; not all Manual J’s are the same. This is primarily due to the lack of knowledge or experience of the individuals using the software, assuming the input values for thermal characteristics (Window U/SHGC-Values, Wall, Ceiling, Floor R-values),

A quality HVAC contractor will conduct a load calculation using computer software which utilizes the Manual J methodology.

Noises and early equipment failure

Another common problem are improperly sized ducts. Duct and register size should also be based on the initial HVAC load calculation for proper operation. Undersized return air or supply ducts can impede efficiency and overwork your compressor.

High electrical bills , cooling air not distributed as required

Improperly Sealed Ducts can be the cause , duct work that has not been properly sealed will leak and loose valuable cooling or heating into the attic or other undesirable area which can cost you money and making the system to work inefficiently.

AC water dripping

Another common problem is an improperly installed drain line or drains installed without an emergency overflow pan. No matter how well maintained there is always a chance that a main drain will fail, and water will leak through your ceiling or walls. Condensate drains that have not been installed according to the mechanical code can cause other problems such as drafting of sewer gasses and other unpleasant problems.

Indoor air pollution

Poor indoor air quality can be caused by many different things like carpets, mold, mildew, resins, pollen, etc. However, it may be aggravated by things like poor air turnover or high humidity from an oversized unit. An energy audit in your home should help to determine what the root for the problem is and a reputable contractor can help to correct the problems by fixing your air and heating system and adding/eliminating accessories to assist in eliminating these contaminants.

Refrigerant Leaks

It is extremely important that the coolant or Refrigerant level of an air conditioning system be checked often. A 10% loss of Refrigerant or coolant will cost the home or business owner 20 percent more in electrical costs and can cause undue wear and tear on your unit.

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